Ten Tips for Getting Your Man to Commit


Wesley confesses about four girly drinks into the night, and Gunn’s glad they left Cordelia behind this time, because one mopey woman giving off the just-been-dumped vibe’s enough for him.



He can taste his blood mixed with rain water mixed with sweat.

Property Law


Marking his territory. Marking Wes as his territory. Shit. Maybe he should start looking into that procedure they’ve got, the one that would remove his sense of shame. Be damn useful in the courtroom, so he could make a business case for it.

People, Places & Things


If she ever gets out, the first thing she’s going to do is take a bath.

Outside In


Sometimes, she thinks it was all a nightmare, that any minute now, she’ll wake up in Silverlake and Dennis will have breakfast ready for her. Then, before she’s even had her coffee, she’ll feel her head start to throb because it’s yet another message from the Powers that Be in full-on Gross-o-Vision, and boy howdy, does that seem better than the reality, which is that she’s probably never waking up at all.

Morale Events


“Teamwork. Efficiency. Survival. Success. One of these things is not like the other.” The disembodied voice paused for a moment, letting the words settle over the audience. In the sixth row back, three seats in from the aisle, Lilah Morgan surreptitiously studied her nails and ignored the lecture she knew by rote. Survive one Wolfram and Hart company morale retreat, you’ve got the tools to survive them all. Survive two, and you start to wish they’d alter the script a little.

Loaded Dice


The dead will smile while you struggle against the inevitable.

Black Sheep Run


The film of grime on the window obscures an already-nondescript view, bleeding and dulling the reds and oranges of the sunset and twisting the shape of the palm trees. If he lets his focus slip for half a second, it almost looks like home.



She has done this, brought this world to ruins. She thought it would be more satisfying.

Perhaps if she had intended it.

Bittersweet Symphony (Unsweetened Mix)


She makes the request, firmly, but politely, like her time spent with Xander taught her to do. The teller calls for the manager, both of them looking at her nervously, their voices strained but quiet as they request her paper work in triplicate.